
  1. 陳禹澔同學榮獲斐陶斐榮譽會員。2023。
  2. 蘇意涵同學於「2023全國英語數位敘事比賽」榮獲外文系組第三名!


  1. 團隊成果競賽:優等-「陽明交大外文系、材料系粉絲團」
  2. 服務學習課程心得徵文:佳作-外文系「周佑則」(聯電課輔項目)
  3. https://service-learning.nctu.edu.tw/award.php



  1. 最佳網路人氣
  2. 最佳音效
  3. 最佳佈景
  4. 最佳男主




  • 第二名 外文系 黃郁絜
  • 優勝 外文系 毛靖淯
  • 優勝 外文系 王蘋



  1. 團隊成果競賽:優等-「陽明交大材料與外文粉絲團」
  2. 服務學習課程心得徵文:
  3. 特優-外文系「黃郁絜」(香山英文課輔項目)
  4. 優等-外文系「蔡寬容」(虎林英文課輔項目)
  5. 優良服務學習教學助理:課程:外文系服務學習一助教:梁春竹


  1. 簡君庭榮獲斐陶斐榮譽會員。2020。
  2. 莊旻靄同學榮獲傑出學生貢獻獎 (服務類)




外文系在2020年耀真盃英語演講比賽榮獲三大獎項(第二名大一毛靖淯、第三名大一蘇意涵、優勝大二王 蘋),外文系師生同賀!


Chang, Chih-Chao, Chun-Ting Chien and Yu-An Lu. (2023). The link between perception and production of English vowel contrasts in non-native speakers. ICPhS 2023, August 7-11, Prague, Czech Republic.
Chang, Chih-Chao, Chia-Hsuan Liao and Yu-An Lu. (2022). Neural correlates of phonotactic context effect in speech categorization. 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, October 6-8, Philadelphia, USA.
Chang, Chih-Chao, Chun-Ting Chien and Yu-An Lu (2022). Exploring the L2 perception-production link in English vowel imitation by Mandarin speakers. LabPhon 2022, June 23-25, virtual meeting.

Chao-Ting Chou & Tuan Hai Vu. On Vietnamese bare reflexive mình and the blocking effect. The 24th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG 24). Virtual Conference, Seoul, Korea. 2022.

Tuan Hai Vu. How focus modulates the interpretations of the bare reflexive in Vietnamese. The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL), National ChengChi University, Taiwan. 2022.

Chang, Chih-Chao, Chun-Ting Chien & Yu-An Lu. Exploring the L2 perception-production link in English vowel imitation by Mandarin speakers. LabPhon18, June 23-25, 2022.

Chang, Syu-Ning, Ting Jie You, Da Lin & Yu-An Lu. The correlation between the voicing of English word-final consonants and the tonal assignment in Mandarin loanword adaptation. The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical East Aisan Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-3). Hsinchu, Taiwan (virtual). November, 2021.

邱恩琪. Altering states of consciousness in Jeff VanderMeer’s annihilation. The 28th Annual Conference of the English and American Literature Association—Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness. Taiwan, Oct. 31, 2020.

邱恩琪. The carnivalesque human flesh feast: Medieval cannibalism and food imagery in Hannibal (2013). The 14th Annual International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies—Food: Sacrificial, Spiritual, and Secular. Taiwan. Oct. 23-24, 2020.



計畫名稱: Silent Rage: Female Voice, Emotion and Identity in Bisclavret
計畫編號: 108-2813-C-009-052-H
執行起迄: 2019/07/01~2020/02/28
指導教授: 胡心瑜
核定金額: 48,000元


計畫名稱: 析論東南亞經濟成長對新住民家庭母語教學的影響
計畫編號: 107-2813-C-009-005-H
執行起迄: 2018/07/01~2019/02/28
指導教授: 廖秀真
核定金額: 48,000元


計畫名稱: 書寫自然、擬造自然—淺談台灣自然寫作藝術性質上的演變、哲學思考與詮釋作用
計畫編號: 107-2813-C-009-006-H
執行起迄: 2018/07/01~2019/02/28
指導教授: 包德樂
核定金額: 48,000元


計畫名稱: Inexperienced Speakers’ Knowledge of Tone Sandhi in Taiwanese Reduplication
計畫編號: 103-2815-C-009-018-H
執行起迄: 2014/07/01~2015/02/28
指導教授: 賴郁雯
核定金額: 47,000元