


Comparative LiteratureIrish Literature ♦ the Gothic


Ph.D.(University of California, San Diego, Comp. Lit., 1977)

M.A. (National Taiwan Normal Univ., English, 1970)

M.A. (University of Hawaii, English, 1969)

B.A. (National Taiwan Normal Univ.〔國立台灣師範大學〕, English, 1964)


Academic Positions


Chair Professor (講座教授), Department of Applied English(應用英語學系), Wu-feng Institute of Technology(吳鳳技術學院), Chia Yi (嘉義), Taiwan (台灣)(2004-)


Emeritus Professor (榮譽教授), Department of Foreign Lang. & Lit.(外國語文學系), National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu(新竹), Taiwan (台灣)(2004-)



Chair Professor (講座教授), Department of Foreign Lang. & Lit., National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan (2000-2004)


Acting Chair (代理所長), Graduate Institute of Music (音樂研究所), National Chiao Tung University (2002-2004)


Dean(院長), College of Humanities and Social Sciences (人文社會學院),Nat’l Chiao Tung Univ., Hsin Chu, Taiwan (2002-2004)


Vice President(副校長), National Chung Cheng University(國立中正大學),Chia Yi (嘉義), Taiwan (1998-2000)


Professor of English (外文系教授), Department of Foreign Lang. & Lit. National Chung Cheng University (1998-2000)


Director(主任), Program for Teacher Education (教育學程中心), Nat’l Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan (1996-1997)


Acting Director(代理所長), Institute of Communication Studies(傳播研究所), Nat’l Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan (1996)


Dean (院長), College of Humanities and Social Sciences (人文社會學院), Nat’l Chiao Tung Univ., Hsin Chu, Taiwan (1995-1998)


Chairman(系主任), Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Nat’l Chiao Tung University (1994-1995; 2001-2002).


Chairman(主任), Preparatory Committee of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (人文社會學院籌備處), Nat’l Chiao Tung Univ.(1994-1995)


Acting Director (署理所長), Research Institute for the Humanities (人文研究中心), the Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學)(1992)


Chairman(主任), Department of English (英文系), the Chinese University Of Hong Kong (1988-91; 1992-94)


Reader (教授), Department of English, the Chinese University of Hong Kong(1991-1994)


Associate Director (副所長), Research Institute for the Humanities, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1991-1994)


Acting Dean (署理院長), Faculty of Arts (文學院), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1991).


K.C. Wong Visiting Scholar (王寬誠訪問學人) (Peking University 〔北京大學〕,Summer, 1988)


Senior Lecturer (高級講師), Department of English, the Chinese University of Hong Kong(1985-91)


Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Literature, UC San Diego (1st Term, 1985-86)


Lecturer (講師), Department of English, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1979-85)


Research Associate (副研究員), Institute of Chinese Studies (中國文化研究所), the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1977-79)


Lecturer (講師), Department of English (英語系), National Taiwan Normal University (國立台灣師範大學)(1969-72)


Teaching Assistant (助教), National Taiwan Normal University (1963-64).


Research Grant

Programme for Hong Kong Cultural Studies (1993-96)

(Co-Chief Investigator: Dr. Stephen C.K. Chan, Dept. of English, The Chinese Univ.of Hong Kong)


Lacan (1995-96) (Nat’l Science Council).


Anglo-Irish Literature (I,II,III: 1995-98)

(Nat’l Science Council)


Desire and Narrative: Self and Society in Three Representation

Configurations(I, II, III: 1998-2001) (National Science Council)


Reading Textuality in Literary and Cultural Studies (I, II, III:2001-2004) (National Science Council)


教學優良教師 (Merit Award in Teaching),吳鳳技術學院(WuFeng Institute of Technology)(2007)


十大傑出校友 (Ten Outstanding Alumni),國立虎尾高級中學(National Hu-wei Senior High School) (2004)


傑出教學獎(Outstanding Teaching Award), National Chiao Tung University (2004)


優良導師 (Merit Tutor), National Chiao Tung University (2003)


傑出人才講座 (Outstanding Scholar Award) (1996-2001〔1st term〕;2001-2006〔2nd term〕) (Endowment for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship [財團法人傑出人才發展基金會])


傑出獎 (Outstanding Award)(1994-96) (National Science Council,ROC (中華民國國家科學委員會)


East-West Center Grant (Honolulu, Hawaii) (1967-69)




期刊論文 (Refereed Journal Papers)


1. “Can the Uncanny Be Represented?”  The American Journal of Semiotics.

[if !supportLists]23.1-4        [endif](2007). 97-122


[if !supportLists]2.    [endif]“The Return of the Ancestors: Reading the Irish Gothic.”  The Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies. 33.1 (March 2007). 33-53


[if !supportLists]3.    [endif]“Between Temporal and Spatial Transformations: An Ancient Capital at the End of Time,” Tamkang Review, Vol. XXXI, No. 2 (Winter 2000), 51-70.


4.  “另類文化民族主義﹕喬伊斯及喬伊斯以外的愛爾蘭” (“Alternative

nationalism: Joyce and Ireland beyond Joyce),《英美文學

評論》, 31998),11-27.


5. ”Crossing the Border,” The International Journal for

the Study of Literature, Media and Culture, 16, 1/2 (1997), 81-84.


6. “Between Mimesis and Pastiche: An Imitation Presidential

Address,” Parodia, Pastiche, Mimetismo, ed. Paola Mildonian

(Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 1997), 341-352.


7. “搖擺與否定﹕葉慈的文化民族主義初探” ”Vacillation and

negation: Yeats’s cultural nationalism《中外文學》(Chung-wai Literary Monthly), Vol. 25, no. 10 (Mar. 1997), 138-159.


8. “Identity, Gaze, and Homecoming,” The Humanities Bulletin (Hong Kong),

Vol. 4 (Dec. 1995), 65-76.


9. <必讀經典,主體性,比較文學> (“Canon, subjectivity, Comparative    Literature,”《中

外文學》 (Chung-wai Literary Monthly), Vol. 21, No. 2 (July 1992), 4-18.

Also published in《文學史》(Literary History), No. 1 (Beijing: Peking

University Press, 1993), 24-40.


10. “Imaginary Homeland: Postwar Taiwan in Contemporary Political

Fiction,” Modern Chinese Literature (U.S.A.), Vol. 6, Nos. 1 & 2

(Spring/Fall, 1992), 23-36.


11. <酒國的虛實> (“The Ins and outs of the wine country,”)

Preface to 《酒國》(The Wine Country), by 莫言 (Mo Yan/Mo Yen)(Taipei:

Hung-fan, 1992), pp. 1-11.  Also published in 《當代作家評論》(Contemporary Writers)(Beijing), (Feb. 1993), and on web site: www.sinanet.com (Sept., 1997). 


12. <中國現當代自我意識初探> (“An initial investigation on modern     and

contemporary Chinese subjectivity”) in 陳炳良 (Chan Ping-leung),

ed., 《中國現當代文學探研》 (Studies on Modern and Contemporary

Chinese Literature) (Hong Kong: Joint Publishings, 1992), pp. 16-

25. Also published in 《中國現代文學研究資料》(Research materials in

modern Chinese literature, No. 1 (1991), pp. 168-176.


13. “Between History and the Unconscious: Contemporary Taiwanese

Fiction Revisited,” Tamkang Review, Vol. XXII, No. 1-4 (Autumn

1991-Summer 1992), 155-176.


14. “Romance of the Red Sorghum Family,” Modern Chinese Literature, Vol.

5 (1989), 1-20.


15. 〈賦比興的語言結構——兼論早期樂府以鳥起興之象徵意義〉,《香港中國古典文學研究




其他著作 (Other publications)


[if !supportLists]A.    [endif]專書論文 (Essays in Monographs)





    林出 版社,20071-11


〈從現代志異到志異現代〉。《知識的饗宴》(系列2)。臺北﹕中央研究院(2006: 295-343



    語文學系主編(臺中﹕國立中興大學外國語文學系,2005), 567-573


<閱讀異/化文化>(“Reading the Alien/nating Culture”),〈〈通識人文十一講〉〉

    Eleven Outlooks on World Literature),馮品佳編(台北:麥田出版社,2004:



“A Stranger in One’s Own City: The Other Way of Writing Contemporary

    Taiwan,” Cultural Dilemmas during Transitions: East Central Europe

    versus Taiwan, Conference Warsaw 2002 (Berlin: LIT Verlag



〈方法論還剩些什麼?〉(“What’s Left of Methodology?” 《方法﹕文學的路》(Method

    Literary Approaches) Han-liang Chang (張漢良), ed.,(臺北﹕台灣大學

    出版中心,2002), 319-342


〈閱讀邊界﹕導言〉,《重劃邊界﹕外國文學研究在台灣》(Remapping the Territory of

    Literary Studies: Perspectives on Foreign Literatures from Taiwan),

    馮品佳主編(新竹﹕國立交通 大學出版社,2002),I-VIII


“Does Modernity Travel? Globalism and/or Regionalism,” in Asian Culture

and the Problems of Rationality. Tokyo: Association of East Asian

Research Universities/The University of Tokyo, 2001, pp. 29-41.


〈結構主義是否適合中國文學研究〉(“Is Structuralism suitable for Chinese

literary studies”) ,《中國比較文學學科理論的墾拓﹕台港學者論文選》(The

genesis of theory in Chinese comparative literature),黃維樑、曹順

慶編(北京﹕北京大學出版社,1998, pp. 185-202.


〈從感官細節到易位敘述﹕談朱天心近期小說策略的演變〉(“From sensory details to

alterity narration: On Chu Tien-hsin’s narrative strategies in her recent fiction”),《書寫台灣﹕文學史、後殖民與後現代》(Writing Taiwan: literary history, postcolonial and postmodern),周英雄、劉紀蕙編 (臺北﹕麥田, 1999),15 pp.


〈細節與遊移﹕談後殖民的另類詩學〉(“Details and movement: on an alternative

poetics of the postcolonial”),《重劃疆界:外國文學研究在台灣》(Remapping the territory of literary studies: perspectives on foreign literatures from Taiwan),馮品佳主編(新竹﹕國立交通大學外文系,1999)﹕199-230


〈從文學看主體與認同〉(“Subjectivity and identity from a literary

perspective”),《文學理論﹕面向新世紀》(Literary theory: Facing a new



〈愛爾蘭民族主義兩種版本﹕葉慈與喬伊斯〉(”Two Versions of Irish

    nationalism: Yeats and Joyce”), 《帝國主義與文學生產》(Imperialism and

literary production)(臺北﹕中央研究院歐美研究所,1997),71-87


〈身份之認同﹕從魯迅的兩個小說推論〉(“Identity formation: from two stories

by Lu Xun”) 《身份認同與公共文化﹕文化研究論文集》(Identity formation and

public culture) 陳清僑編(香港﹕牛津大學出版社,1997),315-324


“Between the Substantive and the Empty: The Chinese Historical Novels

as Mediation,” in Tak-wai Wong, ed., East-West Comparative literature: Cross-cultural Discourse (Hong Kong: Department of Comparative Literature, 1993), pp. 49-90.


“Mo Yen” (“莫言“,) in Steven R. Serafin, ed., Encyclopedia of World

Literature in the 20th Century (New York: Continuum, 1993), pp.



“Mediation in the Chinese Historical Novel,” in Comparative

    Literature/World Literature, ed. Gerald Gillespie (Bern: Peter Lang,

    1991), pp. 171-180.


“Western Literature in Modern China,” in Literature and Criticism,

A New Century Guide (London: Routledge, 1990), pp. 1210-1217.

(Co-authored with Chen Sihe.)


B. 專書 (Books)


[if !supportLists]1.    [endif]《異地文化﹕餘光閱讀》(Alien CultureThrough the Peripheral Vision)。香港﹕天地圖書,

2008。香港中文大學比較文學文化叢書。譚國根主編。250 頁。


2 《閩南文學》(Southern Ming Literature)。福州﹕福建人民出版社,2008。閩南

    文化叢書。(朱    水涌、周英雄主編)。


3.《影像下的現代﹕電影與視覺文化》 (Visual Modern and Its Other)。周英雄、馮品佳編。臺北﹕書林出版社,2007


4. 《書寫台灣﹕文學史、後殖民與後現代》(Writing Taiwan: literary history,

postcolonial and postmodern)(Taipei: Rye Field, 2000. (Co-edited

with Joyce C.H. Liu.


5. 《現代與多元》(Modernity and pluralism)    (Taipei: Tung-ta, 1996). (Edited with Introduction.)


6.《文化中國:理念與實踐》(Cultural China: concepts and practice) (Taipei:

 Yun-ch’en, 1994).  (Co-edited, with Introduction, with Chen Chi-nan.)


7. 《小說與閱讀之間》(Between literature and reading) (Taipei: Yun-ch’en, 1994).


8. 《比較文學與小說詮釋》 (Comparative literature and interpretations of

novels) (Beijing: Peking University Press, 1990; second edition, 1997).


9. 《小說,歷史,心理與自我 (Novel, history, consciousness

and the self) (Taipei: Tung-ta, 1989).


10. The Chinese Text (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1986). (Edited with Introduction.)


11. 《結構主義與中國文學》(Structuralism and Chinese literature)   (Taipei:

Tung-ta, 1983).


12. China and the West (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1980).  (Co-

edited with William Tay and Heh-hsiang Yuan.)


13. 《中西比較文學論文集》 (Essays in Chinese-western comparative literature)

    (Taipei: Shih-pao, 1980), (Co-edited with William Tay and Heh-hsiang
