

Heresies: Transcendence and Immanence in Modernist Poetics in Japan, France, and the United States”
1982-84   M.A., Comparative Literature, Princeton University
1980-82   M.A., East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University. Thesis: “Meaning to See: The Sôtô Zen Hermeneutics of Dôgen Kigen” (1200-1253)
1979-80   Inter-University Center for Japanese Language, Tokyo
1977-79   M.A., East Asian Literature, Cornell University. Thesis: “Textual Aspects of Participatory Realism in Noh: The Lyric Sequence in the Noh Text.”
1973-76   B.A., Summa cum Laude, German Literature, State University of New York at Buffalo.
1975-76   Deutsche Akademische Auslandsdienst Fellow, Universität Würzburg
Summer 1974   Intensive German Language Program Bregenz, Austria


國立交通大學 外國語文學系 系主任
國立交通大學 外國語文學系 教授
國立交通大學 外國語文學系 客座教授
韓國大學 英國語文學系 教授
韓國藝術綜合大學 電影研究學系 客座教授
美國 夏威夷大學馬諾阿分校 東西文化交流研究中心 客座研究員
美國 聖塔克魯茲加州大學 文學學系 副教授
美國 聖塔克魯茲加州大學 文學學系 助理教授
美國 明尼蘇達大學 人文計畫 助理教授
美國 明尼蘇達大學 東亞研究中心 助理教授
美國 明尼蘇達大學 東亞研究中心 講師


“Interrupting the Melodrama: Kawashima Yuzo’s Interventions in Genre and Gender.” Concentric. 46.2 (September 2020).

Earl Jackson and Patrick Noonan, “Genre in Asian Cinema: An Introduction” Concentric. 46.1 (March 2020): 3-10.

“The Cinematic Subject in Masumura Yasuzo” Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture. 12.3 (Dec 2019): 151-179

“Passionate Agendas: Melodrama in the Films Yoshimura Kozaburo.” Asian Cinema. 30.1 (Spring/Summer 2019). 1-19

“What Lingers . . .” Nang 7 Fall 2019. 7-8.

“When Dreamboats Sweat: A Reverie.” Nang 7. Fall 2019: 47-52

“Behind the Mosaics: An Interview with Imaizumi Koichi.” [Conducted in Japanese and Translated by Earl Jackson] Nang. 7. Fall 2019: 75-81.

“The Magic that Happens: An Interview with Kanakan-Balintagos” Nang. 7 (Fall 2019): 87-92.

“Writing Internal Distances: Renee Gladman’s Translucent Poetics” Tripwire 15 (Spring 2019). 115-129.

“Dreams, Dolls, and Drives: Sexual Subjectivity in the Films of Kim Kyung-mook.” Reconstruction. 16.2 (2016)

“Borrowing Trouble: Old Boy as Adaptation and Intervention” Transnational Cinemas 3.1 (2012): 39-51

“Another Scene: Social Networks, Digital Fantasy, Psychical Reality.” Trans: Journal of Trans-Asian Screen Culture. Vol 5
(Dec 2011): 28-75

“Playing for Real: Game Ontology and Epistemology in Contemporary Anime” Trans: Journal of Trans-Asian Screen Culture. Vol 5
(Dec 2011): 76-88

“Provocative Spectatorship: John Yau’s Poetics of Looking and Seeing” 현대영미시연구, Vol 15, No 1 (May 2009) 147-174

“Gender Software and Political Hardware: Serial Experiments Lain and Ghost in the Shell. 아시아 영화의 근대성과 지정학 미학. EdsS. Kim Soyoung,
Earl Jackson, Jr., Im Taegeun. (Seoul: Hyeonsil Munhwa, 2009): 45-89.

“Tell it Slant’: Negotiating the Communication Barrier in the American Poetry Classroom” 영미문학교육, Vol 12, No 1, (Feb 2009) 83-104

“The Medium is the Message : Cinematic Intertextuality in Im Kwon-Taek ‘s The General’s Son”.  Silhouette, Vol 7 (2009) 54-63

“Entertaining Otherness: Difference in Contemporary Japanese Cinema” Iconics, Vol 9, (Fall 2008) 25-46

“The Subject of Representation in Korean Cinema : Two Limit Cases” Journal of the Moving Image. (Spring 2008) Vol. 7 49-66

“Affective Affinities : The Politics of Excess in Korean Melodrama” Nosferatu (Spring 2007) 49-58

“새로운 상상의 공동체들: 현대 일본영화에서의 차이와 정체성” 트랜스: 아시아 영상문화. Ed. Kim Soyoung (Seoul: Hyeonsil MunhwaYeongu, 2006) 479-531.

“Polylogic Perversity.” GLQ  Spring 2003.
“Desire on the Line” [with Group 136]. Red Wheelbarrow. Spring 1998.
“Imagining it Otherwise: Sexual Alternatives in Samuel R. Delany’s Speculative Fiction.” Fractal. (Spring 1995): 3-34.
“Desire at Cross(cultural) Purposes: Hiroshima, Mon Amour and Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence. Positions 2.1 (Spring 1994)
Special Issue, Circuits of Desire. Ed. Yukiko Hanawa. 133-174.
“Death Drives Across Pornotopia: Dennis Cooper on the Extremities of Being.” GLQ. 1.2 (1994): 143-161.
“Scandalous Subjects: Robert Glück’s Embodied Narratives.” differences 3.2 (Summer 91). Queer Theory: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities. Ed. Teresa de Lauretis. 112-34.
“The Heresy of Meaning: Japanese Symbolist Poetry.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies.
Dec. 1990.
“The Metaphysics of Translation and the Origins of Japanese Symbolist Poetics.” PMLA.
March 1990. 256-272.
“Kabuki Narratives of Male Homoerotic Desire in Saikaku and Mishima.” Theatre Journal 41.4 (Dec 1989). 459-77.
“Elaboration of the Moment: the Lyric Tradition in Modern Japanese Narrative,” Literary Studies East and West, Vol. 2: Literary History, Narrative, and Culture , Eds. D. Wissanayake and S. Bradbury. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Press. 1989. 5-13.
“A Sanskrit Model for the Poetics of Presentation” O.ar/s3: Languages (Fall 1986): 261-270.
“Towards a Phenomenology of Oe Kenzaburo: Self, World, and the Intermediating Microcosm,” Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan XXV (1980).