Associate Professor
1989 B.A. from National Chengchi University
1993 (June) M.A. from National Taiwan University
1993 (July) Attending the study program on English Literature of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Romanticism at Manchester University, England
1995 Attending the Summer School in Hong Kong to study American culture and politics (the program was supervised under the affiliation of Yale University and Chinese University of Hong Kong)
1996 Attending James Joyce Annual Summer School at the University College Dublin, Ireland
1996 – 1997 One-year doctoral study at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA
2001 (Jan.) Ph.D. from National Taiwan University
Academic Positions
Teaching “English Reading and Writing” at the Language Center, National Taiwan University
Teaching “English” and “Introduction to Humanities” at National Open University, Taipei
Teaching “Introduction to the Classics of Western Literature” at Yang-Ming University, Taipei
Teaching “Reading English Poetry,” “Reading Contemporary Novels,” “Freshman English,”
“English Writing,” “English Speech,” “Oral and Aural English Training,” “English in Science and Technology,” “The Western Intellectual History,” and “Introduction to Literature” at National Taiwan University
Teaching “Cyberspace and Subjectivity,” “Literary Theories,” “Western Intellectual History,”
“American Literature Before 1865,” “Englsih Grammar and Rhetorics,” “English Writing,” “Reading Literature in English,” “Introduction to Digital Culture” at National Dong Hwa University, Hua-Lien
Teaching at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University - WORKING EXPERIENCES
Joining the translation project of the Chinese Edition of Encyclopedia Americana
Assistant to the director of International Programs and Liaison Office (IPLO), National Taiwan University
Teaching Assistant (as invited by the programme committee) to the seminar on American Cultures and Politics, Hong Kong
Invited by Chung-Wei Literary Monthly (published by FLLD, NTU) as the guest editor of the special issue,“Techne98beta: SciFi and Cyberspace.” The electronic edition of the issue can be reached at or at
Administration and Service
Existentiality of the Bonic Being: A Preliminary Study
Body and Writing
Horror of Being or Fear of Death: H. P. Lovecraft’s Horror Science Fiction
Awarded the Ternary of Poetry and the Excellency of Prose in campus literary writing contest, National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei
Awarded the Championship of Poetry in campus literary writing contest, National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei
Awarded the Ecellency of both Poetry and Prose in campus literary writing contest, National Taiwan University
。2001 (Nov.)
Invited by the Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, to deliver the lecture “Studies on Cyberspace: Absolute Freedom and the Shifting of the Subject”
。1995 (May)
Attending the 14th National Comparative Literature Conference (“Literature, Law, Interpretation”)at Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, to read the paper “Pornography and Its Censorship in Cyberspace”
。1995 (July)
Attending the Seventh Quadrennial International Comparative Literature Conference at Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, to read the paper “Pornography and Its Censorship in Cyberspace”
Attending the international conference “INET’96–The Internet: Transforming Our Society Now” in Montreal, Canada, to read the paper “Thinking Cyber-Subjectivity: Ideology and the Subject”
。1998 (21-24 July)
Attending the international conference “INET’98: The Internet Summit” in Geneva, Switzerland,to read the paper “Cultural Recognition and the Internet”
。1998 (Dec.)
Invited to join the Symposium of Cross-Strait Young Scholars on Humanities and Chinese Culture,sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Social Studies and Researches, Youth Corp.
Attending the 23rd National Comparative Literature Conference (“Fin de Siècle or the Millennium:Comparative Literature at the Crossroads”) at Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, to read the paper “Y2K: the Digital Imagination of the End of the World and the End of History”
。2001 (5 May)
Attending the 2nd Annual Wenshan Conference on Language and Literature, Department of English, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, to read the paper “Cyberspace and Extended Spatialization”
。2002 (8-12 May)
Attending the 2nd European Conference of the International Society for Literature and Science (SLS): “Experimenting Arts and Sciences,” Aarhaus, Denmark, to read the paper “Data-Subject and Its Freedom: Reading a Ghost Event in Cyberspace”
。2002 (7-8 June)
Attending “The Mystery of Digital Culture Unveiled Symposium” at National Dong Hwa University, Hua-Lien, Taiwan, to read the paper “The Corporeal Limit to Digitalization”
。2005 (11-20 Sep.)
Attending the “Capturing the Moving Mind: Management and Movement in the Age of Permanently Temporary War—An Ephemera Conference on the Trans-Siberian train(Moscow-Novosibirsk-Beijing)” to read the paper “Imagining A Futurisitic Body”
。2007 (3 Nov.)
Attending “The 1st Formosa International Conference on Fantastic Literature” held at the National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, to read the paper “On At thee Mountains of Madness: Genealogical Enveloping of the Cosmic Other/Horror”