Conference presentation
Chang, Chih-Chao, Chun-Ting Chien and Yu-An Lu. (2023). The link between perception and production of English vowel contrasts in non-native speakers. ICPhS 2023, August 7-11, Prague, Czech Republic. Chang, Chih-Chao, Chia-Hsuan Liao and Yu-An Lu. (2022). Neural correlates of phonotactic context effect in speech categorization. 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, October 6-8, Philadelphia, USA. Chang, Chih-Chao, Chun-Ting Chien and Yu-An Lu (2022). Exploring the L2 perception-production link in English vowel imitation by Mandarin speakers. LabPhon 2022, June 23-25, virtual meeting. Chao-Ting Chou & Tuan Hai Vu. […]