- 110 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
- 109 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
- 108 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
- 107 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
- 106 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
- 105 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
- 104 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
- 103 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
- 102 academic year Curriculum Regulation (PDF)
Degree requirements
- 112 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 111 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 110 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 109 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 108 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 107 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 106 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 105 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 104 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 103 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
- 102 academic year course credits for graduation (PDF)
The information here is for reference purposes only. Actual schedules may differ. Please go to NYCU Portal: https://portal.nycu.edu.tw/ and check your grades via Online Course Registration System (NYCU Campus).
Forms for all graduate students
- Thesis Advisor Agreement (Due: no later than the end of the fourth semester)
Forms for graduate students choosing Track-A (With a thesis of 60-150 pages) (PDF)
Application for Change of Advising Professor (ODT)
- Qualification Test Form
Forms for graduate students choosing Track-A (With a thesis of 60-150 pages) (Due: 2 weeks before proposal defense)
Note: Students choosing Track-A must also submit Forms 3-9 for Track-B in below.
Forms for Graduate Students Choosing Track-B (With a thesis of at least 30 pages)
- Oral Defense Form (Due: 3 weeks before oral defense)
- Official Transcript
- Application form for Course Completion Certificate (For students enrolled after Academic Year 97) (ODT)
- The original transcript of Language Proficiency Test and a printed copy of it.
- Form for Recommendation of Thesis Defense Examiners (ODT)
- List of Thesis Defense Examiners (ODS)
- Payment Receipt for Thesis Defense Examiners (ODT)
- Thesis Defense Evaluation Form (ODT) (1 copy for each examiner)
- Approval Sheet for Thesis Defense (ODT)
- Grade Confirmation Sheet for Thesis Defense (ODT)
Note: Forms 7 and 9 must be submitted immediately after thesis defense on the same day.
- After passing the degree examiner (Submit the documents to the department office)