Chao-Ting Chou & Tuan Hai Vu. On Vietnamese bare reflexive mình and the blocking effect. The 24th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG 24). Virtual Conference, Seoul, Korea. 2022.
Tuan Hai Vu. How focus modulates the interpretations of the bare reflexive in Vietnamese. The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL), National ChengChi University, Taiwan. 2022.
Chang, Chih-Chao, Chun-Ting Chien & Yu-An Lu. Exploring the L2 perception-production link in English vowel imitation by Mandarin speakers. LabPhon18, June 23-25, 2022.
Chang, Syu-Ning, Ting Jie You, Da Lin & Yu-An Lu. The correlation between the voicing of English word-final consonants and the tonal assignment in Mandarin loanword adaptation. The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical East Aisan Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-3). Hsinchu, Taiwan (virtual). November, 2021.
邱恩琪. Altering states of consciousness in Jeff VanderMeer’s annihilation. The 28th Annual Conference of the English and American Literature Association—Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness. Taiwan, Oct. 31, 2020.
邱恩琪. The carnivalesque human flesh feast: Medieval cannibalism and food imagery in Hannibal (2013). The 14th Annual International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies—Food: Sacrificial, Spiritual, and Secular. Taiwan. Oct. 23-24, 2020.