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- 分類: 學術成就
- 分類: 行事曆
- 11/22 漢語 “百分比” 量化詞的轄域研究 (講者:李昊澤)
- 12/9 Phon Brown Bag Workshop (Prof Lauren Hall-Lew & Prof Rebecca Starr)
- Dr Jessica White: Ecobiography: A Genre Informed by Disability
- 陽明交大外文學習生活系列座談(一):土木-外文-管科
- 學術演講:都:從甚至到總括(北京清華大學劉明明教授)
- 陽明交通大學外文系113學年度秋季職涯演講: 航空管理
- 陽明交大外文學習生活系列座談(二):材料-外文-國貿
- “The processing and representation of Mandarin tone sandhi words in isolation and in context: Evidence from behavioral and ERP experiments”
- Contesting the Word: Dialogism and Ethical Encounter in Mikhail Bakhtin and Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible
- 從 GPU 到 LLM (成大電機系郭致宏教授)
- Situating Kami in Miyaoi Yasuo’s Nativist Writings 宮負定雄 (1797-1858)國學著作里「神」的意義
- 從英語系到自然語言處理的跨域學習與成長
- NYCU Spring 2024 Phon Brown Bag Talk: Collecting data online: Gorilla workshop
- 外文職涯幫幫忙:華語教學職涯分享,講者:蔡佳恩學姊
- 理論語言學的人才前景與錢瞻應用:卓騰語言科技 總經理
- 生涯座談-AI 與人文:我的經典創新之路(講者:張憶里博士)
- NYCU Spring 2024 Phon Brown Bag Series: Dr. Nina Markl [04/23, 15:00pm Online]
- 醫療人文跨領域研究分享會:書寫疫病與再思受弱性:努涅斯的《救贖城》與《受弱者》
- 醫療人文跨領域研究分享會:「小人恆立志」?:《正念基本要領》與當代美國健康風潮
- 醫療人文跨領域研究分享會:帝國、照護政治和疾病隱喻:論莫拉利斯《布娃娃瘟疫》中的夢娜病毒,愛滋病和藍色剋星
- “Issues in Maori philosophy?”, by Professor Carl Mika
- Posthuman Virtues: Perspectivism, Weakness and the Virtues of Truthfulness, Mindfulness, and Impulse Control, by Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
- An Unofficial, Fast-and-Furious History of Audio-Visual Poetry, by Professor Michael Chasar
- ISVL-4 (第四屆越南語句法語意⼯作坊)
- Guest Talk in Sociophonetics Course: Studying Sociophonetics through Language Attitudes: A Case of Patriotic Mandarin Chinese Accent and Hong Kong English
- 外文職涯幫幫忙:認識語言治療!!(可認證導師時間)分享者:交大外文108級 蘇芸萱學姊
- Brown bag talk: “The relationship of perception and production as revealed by critical perceptual cues”
- NYCU Syntax-Semantics Colloquium: Prof. Andrew Weir
- NYCU Fall 2023 Phon Brown Bag Series: Dr. Jasper Sim [11/9, 12:10pm at HB207]
- NYCU Syntax-Semantics Colloquium: Dr. Gregory Scontras (University of California, Irvine)
- The Homo Faber Symposium_2023 Fall: Dr. David M. Halperin (Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan)
- The Homo Faber Symposium_2023 Fall: Dr. Nicholas E. R. Perkins from Oxford University
- 分類: 優異表現
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